spanish question words in sentences

These interrogative words are the ones that we are going to know next. Whats the difference then between qu and cul, if they can both translate into what? Saben qu va a pasar. Por qu estn peleando? Why are you fighting? 1. Most questions follow the structure for basic sentences, Talking about Yourself in Spanish: PDF Worksheet, Questions about the Family in Spanish: PDF Worksheet, Making Questions in Spanish PDF Worksheet, Dialogues Introductions and greetings in Spanish, The bedroom, adverbs and negative sentences, Drinks in Spanish: Vocabulary and Listening. If loading fails, click here to try again. Be careful to consider the gender and number of the noun that cunto represents. A: (I have __ children/siblings.) Whats happening? According to a study by The Economist, you can earn anywhere from $50,000 to $125,000 extra just by knowing a foreign language alone. except memorize the verbs that use the preposition EN. As Juan and Sandra sit down, the tour guide starts asking questions to get to know the group. In Spanish, the general form is for the noun to follow the verb. Qu haces? Spanish Question Punctuation Marks. examples Te gusta esta pelcula, no? Qu quieres tomar? What are you doing? You've got a solid understanding of how to use question words in Spanish and the quality of your Spanish conversations are exploding through the roof! It also helps to meet new friends and start a conversation in Spanish. Cunto dinero tienes?How much money do you have? All the questions we have seen so far were related to things, objects or ideas. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. We hope you never use it to answer this question, but we thought we should probably teach you how to say you dont like it. 2. When asking about one person, you say Quin? WebSpanish question marks feature an upside-down question mark at the beginning of the sentence and an ordinary question mark at the end. A: (My name is Pablo.) When asking questions in Spanish, it is important to use the right question word to get the information you need, just like in the examples in the picture below. 2. Qu? Be careful to consider the gender and number of the noun that cunto represents. Tienes 30 aos? You can see more of these types of questions in other lessons in the site. My advice is to make a list of Spanish verbs that are usually accompanied by the preposition DE. On the other hand, we are asking for the names of several people, which means that Cul must change to Cules to agree with the number of people. Punctuation marks in Spanish are almost exactly the same as English--except for two. (informal) / Whats up? The translation of how changes when asking how much and how many. Your motivation to learn Spanish is an essential ingredient to success! Cundo fue la ltima vez que leste un libro? When did you last read a book? Much like English, Spanish often makes it clear that a question is being asked by beginning the sentences with a "question word" like qu ("what"), or by using a word order that is not standard for direct statements. (At least the mysteries in the Spanish-speaking world.) WebThis is the list of all question words and their meanings: qu = what (or which) cul, cules = which (or what) cundo = when quin, quines = who dnde = where cmo = how cunto, cunta = how much cuntos, cuntas = how many por qu = why Next we will review each question word, giving examples of its use. What is this? Example: Me encanta! Try it! One of the most common Spanish question words is QU?, which translates as WHAT. Spanish, unlike English, has many more question words and can change based on the type of information being requested. Spanish question punctuation marks. For example: Estaba buena la pizza. Now you know the drill this preposition will also stick to the word QU, and it will go right to the beginning of your question. All The Spanish Question Words . (Hello!) We will begin with an explanation on how to choose between qu and cul / cules. When for example somebody asks you for your name you have to use cul because in Spanish, theres an imaginary list of potential names you could have. Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. A: (I have __ children/siblings.) Here are the words to help you solve all the world's mysteries. 3. Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Contact Us 2022 HSA. Translation: I like it very much.. I am sure that by now you must have gotten a better grip of how it works. Now, the most important thing to remember is that you need to use this preposition at the beginning of the sentence, and not at the end (as you would in English). 4) Cundo es la fiesta?When is the party? In English, we refer to them as the 5 Ws Who, What, Where, When, and Why. Punctuation marks in Spanish are almost exactly the same as English--except for two. Cul es tu pelcula favorita?Whats your favorite movie? Va al mercado Pedro? 2. Read our. 3. Cunto/a? (formal) Cmo ests? Tambin / Tampoco (Also / Too / Either) Tener (have / has got) Also See: All Beginners Lessons. Remember there is only one possible answer. Top Spanish question words. Both Spanish and English use double inverted comas quotes ( ) In English, to write a quotation we use the double inverted comas. Qu han dicho ellos?What have they said? Para cuando reservaste el vuelo? When did you book the flight for? What is this? WebLearning which who question word to use in Spanish boils down to knowing your prepositions. WebThe question words in Spanish are: quin, qu, cul, cmo, dnde, cundo, cunto and por qu. Switch the subject with the verb and add the question marks. Are you a tourist, or did you move here? )Por qu los animales, por qu,no viven en la selva? Cmo estn ustedes? (At least the mysteries in the Spanish-speaking world.) Question words or interrogative words in Spanish ( palabras interrogativas) are used to gather information about any topic. Por qu?Cmo nacen los chicos?De dnde vengo yo?Por qu existe la guerra? Por qu?Y cmo se invent? Master the Spanish question words with our fun lesson on Spanish interrogatives & how to ask questions in Spanish! Bien. WebInstead, you need to apply a simple, threestep process to create the Spanish question. These interrogative words are the ones that we are going to know next. 4. Cmo se dice esto en espaol?How do you say it in Spanish? El rojo. Often, sentences that begin in phrases such as quiero saber (I want to know) or no saber (I don't know) are indirect questions. (harina is feminine) How much flour do you need to make 1 kg of bread? We can place prepositions before dnde to ask about origin or destination: Cmo se dice table en espaol?How do you say table in Spanish? Por qu los Mexicanos comen tanto chile?Why do Mexicans eat so much chili? (for feminine). Rather, you ask the interrogative word in a higher-pitched voice and drop your pitch for the rest of the question. How are you? Tambin / Tampoco (Also / Too / Either) Tener (have / has got) Also See: All Beginners Lessons. Paraqu sirve esta cosa? What is this thing used for? Heres an example: Dnde est la farmacia? Here are some more examples of indirect questions that use orthographic accents: No s dnde est. Qu hiciste ayer?What did you do yesterday? In order to get information, e.g. Cul is used with the preposition deto ask which when giving a choice. Likewise with pues (well in English). You will also find a Quiz and Exercises to practice. 2. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Cules son las 10 pelculas ms vistas de la historia? What are the 10 most-watched movies ever? Whats happening? Whats this? Learning which who question word to use in Spanish boils down to knowing your prepositions. Con quinse va a casar tu hermana? Who is your sister going to marry? Want to Improve Your Spanish? Rara Academic | Developed By Rara Theme. I can almost hear you say: How the heck am I going to know all of this?!. Here are some basic Spanish questions that come after greeting: Cmo est usted? Example: No me gusta [nada]. Quin Quin ( who) is an interrogative pronoun used as the subject of the sentence. Congratulating or wishing someone well in Spanish. which means WHO. In addition, by placing an inverted question mark at the beginning of a sentence, the reader can adjust his or her tone as the sentence progresses. Master the Spanish question words with our fun lesson on Spanish interrogatives & how to ask questions in Spanish! Copyright 2023 SpanishLearningLab. Cules son los requisitos para entrar a esta universidad? What are the requirements to enter this university? So simple, yet a little confusing when it comes to the question word itself. But when asking about more than one person, you have to change it to its plural form, which is Quines? WebIn order to get information, e.g. Dnde? Switch the subject with the verb and add the question marks. Both cuntos and cuntas mean how many. Spanish question punctuation marks. WebIn 1754, the Real Academia Espaola (Royal Spanish Academy) recommended that the upside-down question mark be used as a symbol to indicate the beginning of a question in written Spanish. Adjective Placement 1. (qu / que)This is the house that I like. 3. Yes, the Spanish question word QUIN also makes combinations with different prepositions. (dnde / donde)Spain is the country where I vacation. Check these out! Learn Spanish with free, communicative lessons. WebNow that we have seen the structure of a question, let's take a look at some Spanish question words in sentences. Click here to quiz yourself on the question words and here to practice putting the question words into context. That counts as interrogative role). Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. How are you? Dnde estn mis zapatos? Where are my shoes? Notice that all Spanish questions beginning with the equivalent Wh- words in Spanish need tilde over one of the vowels, just like Qu or Cmo. Cmo quieres tu taco?How do you want your taco? (informal) / Whats up? And A dnde? You can also ask a question by switching the position of the subject and verb: Instructor: Adrianne Baron. Among common Spanish question words to learn and master,DE QUIN? What are the Spanish question words? Remember, gente is always singular, hence the singular form of the question word. WHAT FOR? They are very important, but sometimes we will need more than a SI or a NO. They are an essential part of any language learners vocabulary. Quinescribi este libro? Who wrote this book? and change it to CULES?. How to say thanks in Spanish. Knowing these important factors, you can begin learning the Spanish question words. A: Me llamo Pablo. There are two ways to ask questions in Spanish. WebIn Spanish, when only part of a sentence is a question, you only place the question marks around that specific part of the sentence. and we use it when we want to know the owner of something, just like in the questions below: De quin es esta maleta? Whose suitcase is this? Here are the words to help you solve all the world's mysteries. In general, use cundo to ask when. ; Call Us: 1-866-423-7548. If you know the question words, you can ask about anything and become independent in the Spanish-speaking world. Sometimes you use cmo, even though it directly translates as how, not what. Are you a tourist, or did you move here? When asking about one person, you say Quin? Q: (How old are you? Sometimes the preposition DEwill translate asOF, other times as ABOUT, or AT. Dequ est hecha tu falda? What is your skirt made of? (for example, while showing 2 dresses. WebThere are three other ways to form questions, as well. Bien. Qu is used to ask what or which when used directly in front of any noun or conjugated verb without giving choices. Not everything about Spanish is difficult. Lets take a look at the Spanish equivalents of the 5 Ws (and an H) and some examples! What time is it? Go Forth and Have a Spanish Conversation! Because it is part of my homework. Qu usually means what. Its the most common question word in Spanish and one of the most common Spanish words in general. Buenos das, soy Diego. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The noun can either appear immediately after the verb or appear later in the sentence. What colour is the sky? WebAsking questions in Spanish is quite similar to asking questions in English. Qu? where places are or what types of food a restaurant offers, we need to use Spanish question words such as: CMO (How), CUNDO (When), POR QU (Why), DNDE (Where), CUL (Which), QU (What), CUNTOS (how many) and others. All of these basically involve changing a statement into a question. (Is Pedro going to the market?) 1. (What?) Aqu jugaron (ustedes)? What (game) did you play? (To where?). (When?) In Spanish, you always need to put an accent mark over them. Saben qu va a pasar. (direct) Los amigos se preguntan quin es Translation: I like it very much.. Take this short Quiz about question words: Complete the following questions with the right question words. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Adjective Placement Yet, keep in mind that POR QUINwill not always represent passive voice. All rights reserved. If I call you, will you answer? A: (I am __ years old.) For the most part, the alternate versions of representations all all interchangeable. You can also use it in combinations de dnde? means HOW and you accompany it with adjectives of quality. Qu es un guajolote?What is a guajolote? Cuntas personas trabajan en tu empresa? Para cundo es este proyecto? When is this project for? For the most part, the alternate versions of representations all all interchangeable. Here are a few of them: acordarse de to remember (something or someone), arrepentirse de to regret (something), burlarse de to make fun of (something or someone), sentirse orgulloso de to feel proud of. Aqu se debe tu visita? What do I owe your visit to? Congratulating or wishing someone well in Spanish. Yep, Spanish doesnt always translate literally to English and there is nothing we can do about it. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Depending on the sentence, the English words what and which can both be translated as qu, cul or cules. We use this Spanish question wordwhen we want to know when something is due. Spanish question words list 1. Qu pelcula viste anoche? WebSpanish uses question marks both at the beginning and at the end of questions. Let me show you in detail the 7 most important question words in Spanish. )Por qu los animales, por qu,no viven en la selva? Wow, you've mastered question words in Spanish! Spanish, unlike English, has many more question words and can change based on the type of information being requested. Example: Quin es la protagonista de la pelcula? Here are some basic Spanish questions that come after greeting: Cmo est usted? Polish by birth, Chilean by the turns of life. Inversion. Qu? Geeking out in Spanish about your hobbies and interests. Por qu?Por qu les pones rejas?Y quin los enga? About Spanish Question Words Some of the most important words in any language are who, what, when, where, why, and how. These question words enable you to search for answers, direct thoughts, and gain new insights. Cunta mantequilla quieres?How much butter do you want? WebPoder (Can / Cannot) Question Words. WebThe question words in Spanish are: quin, qu, cul, cmo, dnde, cundo, cunto and por qu. examples Te gusta esta pelcula, no? It's really just a matter of learning the vocabulary. Passive voice in Spanish is not used as often as in English, so this kind of questions is not that common. Words or interrogative words in Spanish orthographic accents: no s dnde est how and accompany. Accompanied by the preposition en in combinations de dnde make 1 kg of bread question! The rest of the question you can begin learning the vocabulary which when used directly front! Two ways to form questions, as well of learning the Spanish question search for answers, direct thoughts and! 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